Prose David Gersten Prose David Gersten

Act Two: Emergent Structures

It has been a remarkable year of growth and transformation for Arts Letters & Numbers and it is a great joy to send you our first newsletter sharing updates on our progress and announcements of what is to come.

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Prose David Gersten Prose David Gersten

On Arts Letters & Numbers

Like many serious minded people sensitive to the best situations, places and opportunities to achieve examples of the things we would like to see made possible in the world, I have attempted works of various kinds in many locations.

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Workshop, Performance, Aln Summer David Gersten Workshop, Performance, Aln Summer David Gersten

Circling Towards a Disciplinary Chora

Today, education in the broadest sense holds the capacity of developing new pathways of interaction and forms of knowledge that address the challenges of our increasingly complex world. Arts Letters & Numbers is a space to understand, withstand and ultimately create transformation that embodies our best hopes and aspirations. Like many complex systems such as language or molecular structures, disciplines are polymorphic, they transform relationally, taking on different structures, forms and organizations depending on their disciplinary environment. Knowledge evolves; creating situations of proximity and interaction among a great diversity of forms of knowledge gives rise to mutual transformation, builds new linkages, new thought processes, new questions and new works.

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Prose David Gersten Prose David Gersten

Building The Cooper Union: A Model of Education

The architectural act of building the model, created and contained the deep relationships between care, craft and community; Craft gathers us together, through the collective actions of constructing a model of the school, a community was formed, a remarkable connective tissue emerged within the studio. This structure, this social contract ultimately embodies The Cooper Union.

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