HFFI 2019/2020 Pilot at AHS
During the academic year of 2019/2020 Arts Letters & Numbers brought the Harbor Freight Fellowship Initiative to the Capital Region. This nationwide apprenticeship program, designed by Big Picture Learning and Harbor Freight Tools, is an alternative pathway for students whom show significant interest in the trades…
‘Finding Home’ Youth Fx
What did a teenager escaping the juggles of Burma have in common with a teenager fleeing Iraq in fear of political reprisals? What do teenagers leaving Mexico and Haiti both for family economic survival have in common with African American teenagers who are stopped by police on the block where they live and questioned about stealing groceries they just bought for their Mom?
Sweet Charity
Since 2016 we have been fortunate to work with AHS’s theater ensemble, the amazing students and their highly dedicated directors and staff. This years musical Sweet Charity explored issues of sexism misogyny and especially how young people are impacted in the systems we live in.
Which Way is Home?
What did a teenager escaping the juggles of Burma have in common with a teenager fleeing Iraq in fear of political reprisals?
Promising Playwright's Festival & Which Way is Home?
In the fall of 2015, Arts Letters and Numbers, Ché Perez and Frida Foberg were invited by NCBIs Ira Baumgarten and Albany High School Theater Directors Ward Dales and Noelle Gentile to follow the Theater Ensemble students as their works were developed.
Albany School of Humanities: Identity Project
This year, with the help from the Albany High School students, Noelle brought the Identity Project to Albany School of Humanities.